Aug 7, 2007

[PSP]Ratchet and Clank

The Ratchet and Clank series was first developed by Insomniac, and they shocked the world with their amazing original game, Ratchet and Clank, which was great for all audiences. Now here we stand a few years later, with a new title in the series “Size Matters” for the PSP. This year Insomniac handed over the torch to High Impact games, and they have done well with it. It may have been brought down to a smaller screen, but Size Matters is still a good match for its predecessors which all lived on the well known Ps2.The first thing you'll notice is that you've stepped into something absolutely amazing, I'm talking about the graphics. They are just beautiful, and are neck and neck with the Ps2 versions. Ratchet and Clank are easy to recognize, and all the new crew are again, amazing. The characters are yet again surrounded by these amazing looking environments that are amazingly detailed, and look great like in previous games. The one problem is that if scenery is far away, such as space, the background will look repetitive and boring.These graphics are again wrapped into this wonderful story and full of great gameplay. There is a very wide variety of weapons, and upgrades are available from pretty much everything Ratchet has. The action sequences are also great and fighting is very fun, but the AI isn't as smart as they could be, and you'll often find them standing right infront of you doing nothing. Nevertheless, the gameplay is still great, and has returned great things from the past, such as races and battle arenas, which can only expand the people this game appeals to. This game also features a lot more of Clank, and without giving too much away I'll say that there are some new challenges you do with him that enhance your experience.Sound is yet a again very fitting. Everything will make a sound that seems to fit that thing perfectly. You'll have your background music, gun sound effects, enemy sound effects, all the other sound effects, and the great voice acting that has always been able to make us laugh. The sound really boost the gameplay and graphics to that extra level of fun and interest. As great as the singleplayer is that's not the only thing to be getting excited about. The undiscovered jewel in this game is the multiplayer. There is Ad-hoc and Infrastructure, and the online plays beautifully. It is packed with so many different game modes, and levels to keep you interested. There are deathmatch modes, 4 different objective modes, and the classic capture the flag. Really Ratchet and Clank Size Matters is just an absolutely genius game. It has not at all been affected by being taken from the big screen to the PSP screen, and although the single player is abit short, there is enough multiplayer action here to keep you interested for a very long time. Clearly a score of 88/100!

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