Aug 7, 2007

[PSP]I-Skin Neo Review

This is not meant to rival the Logitech PlayGear, or any other hardshell case out there. This is meant as a STYLISH, SOPHISTICATED wallet for the PSP. The protection will come from your careful hands, and common sense.I have been hunting high and low for a case such as this. Stylish, and mature looking but still able to carry a few mem sticks, and at least 1 spare UMD. I like this case because of the tactile feel, and it does not excude GEEK while I'm playing my PSP in public. It's kinda like the difference between using a nylon woven laptop bag, versus a designer leather bag. Products such as this certainly remind the none gaming public that video games are no longer confined to beer splilled stinky dorm rooms.For travel protection, I keep the PSP and iSkin inside my laptop bag / shoulder bag / backpack, and use some common sense. The only rival to this is the Vaja case ($200).. But that's a ludicrous case which costs more than the PSP itself.. BUT far far more stylish than anything on the market, including the iSkin.. see ? Now I've piqued your curiosity because if you're considering the iSkin, stylish protection is what you want..I only have 2 beefs:1) the left directional, circle, and analog stick is barely blocked by the perimeter of the sleeve. With a bit of mental adjustment you can work around this. I dunno why they couldn't contour the border a bit better..2) that "iSkin" logo on the cover completely defeats the sophistication the product excudes.. It's like building a Benz, and slapping on big "BENZ" text on the hood.. It woulda been better if instead of RAISED bold lettering, they simply had subtle embossed lettering..

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