Aug 7, 2007


Huge adventures, crazy battles, amazing graphics This must be a Jak game, but no it's just our cute cuddly little orange Ottsel friend Daxter, and although he's been taking the shoulder seat of Jak the whole series, get ready for the side-kick to take over! Don't be discouraged though, this is just as good of a game as we've witnessed before. Although the game is only 8-10 hours, it does pack a huge punch in the bite sized package.Daxter takes the front seat in his own game which is placed between the first and second Jak games. In this game our Ottsel friend starts out poor and with nobody, because Jak has gone to jail. You play as Daxter and soon find yourself working for a bug extermination company; this all leads to your further adventures. You start out armed with a bug swatter, and make your way around enemies with that. However, after a few missions you get a bug spray can type thing. This allows you to fly, stun enemies, and occasionally you put your poisonous fumes in contact with a flame and you can start spraying fire. I think that the Jak and Daxter series has never been to great with the weapons and this game is just as “ungreat” but nevertheless the fly swatter and bug spray are all you need! The story is just filled with all these great characters who each add a whole whad of depth to the story. Again whether it's Ready at Dawn, Mad Dog or any other company, the Jak's and Daxter's have not put us down with their awesome voice acting and personalities. The Bosses are again giant, but not quite as big as in the previous Jak games, however they still provide an immense challengeGraphically this game is absolutely gorgeous, the scenery and characters look absolutely stunning, and are very highly detailed. As a matter of fact with certain characters beard and furs Ready at Dawn has gone back and made every strand of hair visible on its own, causing for that extra amazing leap in realism. The backgrounds are yet again creative, and very detailed, but still on the neat side, making them amazing to look at.As far as sound goes, there isn't much to say, except again, amazing. The voices are top notch, fitting the characters perfectly yet still being believable. You hear grunts and background comments from the people around you. However it doesn't end there, You still get the amazingly realistic sound effects of weapons and vehicles, and the music that fits the game perfectly.Daxter is a truly amazing game, and if there is more to come from this series on PSP they will have great success, but for now we can easily enjoy this great platformer. With no doubts I give this game a great score of 93 out of 100!

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